“Patitas Felices" mobile application for responsible pet ownership and pet adoption


  • Jefferson Andrés López Puetate




Aplicación, Móvil, Mascotas, Tenencia, Responsable


Patitas Felices" is a mobile application designed to encourage responsible pet ownership and adoption. The application seeks to address the problem of animal abandonment and abuse by providing users with useful tools and informational resources. The application offers features such as: responsible adoption, educational information, pet registration, alerts and reminders, user community. This work shows technical aspects about the development and operation of the application, the Scrum methodology is used for the development and functional tests are performed for each defined user story, the experimental results show a great acceptance by users who mention that the application facilitates the creation of a community of animal lovers, where users can share experiences, advice and mutual support, thus fostering a support network for responsible ownership.


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How to Cite

López Puetate, J. A. (2022). “Patitas Felices" mobile application for responsible pet ownership and pet adoption. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 1(1), 6–22. https://doi.org/10.62465/riif.v1n1.2022.1


