IT security model proposal in the control of an IT system applying ISO 27002 and NIST CSF


  • Jorge Vinicio Gavidia Córdova Universidad Tecnológica Israel



Modelo, seguridad, iso, amenaza, sistema


The paper presents a proposal for a comprehensive IT security model for the effective control of an IT system, based on the combined application of ISO 27002 and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). It emphasizes the importance of adopting recognized standards to strengthen security and effectively manage cyber risks. The proposed model covers various aspects, including access controls, user management, constant monitoring and response measures to potential threats. It highlights the relevance of ISO 27002 in providing specific guidelines for information security, while the NIST CSF complements and reinforces the approach by providing an adaptive and flexible framework. The proposal seeks to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, while adapting to the specifics and challenges of the IT system environment under consideration. This combination of standards is expected to provide a solid foundation for the implementation of effective security measures and risk mitigation in the field of cybersecurity.


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How to Cite

Gavidia Córdova, J. V. (2023). IT security model proposal in the control of an IT system applying ISO 27002 and NIST CSF. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 2(1), 41–52.


