Tracking and customer loyalty in the tourism sector, through a Web-Mobile System


  • Daniel Tamayo



Seguimiento, Fidelización, Web, Movil, Gamificación, Estrategia


The proposed work addresses the importance of customer follow-up and customer loyalty in the tourism sector through a Web-Mobile System. It highlights the need to implement effective strategies to keep customers engaged and satisfied. The proposed system combines online and mobile tools to continuously track customer preferences and behaviors, based on novel marketing strategies and gamification elements. This not only allows personalization of offers and promotions, but also facilitates direct communication with customers, improving the overall experience. The integration of web and mobile technologies in customer relationship management in the tourism sector is presented as a comprehensive solution to strengthen customer loyalty and optimize retention in a highly competitive market. Functionality testing of the system demonstrates great success in a controlled distributed environment, which in the future will be important for launching the proposed systems.


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How to Cite

Tamayo, D. . (2022). Tracking and customer loyalty in the tourism sector, through a Web-Mobile System. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 1(1), 23–36.


