Mobile Application for Monitoring the Process of Minor Disciplinary Sanctions for Police Training School "La Delicia" Trainees.


  • Karol Alejandra Iza Loachamin



Aplicación móvil, Policia, Sanciones, Incidentes, Android


This article highlights the successful implementation of a mobile application as a key tool in the management of minor disciplinary sanctions for trainees at the "La Delicia" Police Training School. The application has revolutionized the tracking and recording of disciplinary incidents, providing a centralized platform to document, monitor and evaluate the conduct of trainees during their training. Through this innovative technological solution, the institution has been able to improve efficiency in disciplinary management, promoting transparency and accountability. The article examines the specific benefits of the application, highlighting its positive impact on discipline and the overall quality of police training. It also discusses future prospects and the possibility of adapting this application to other police training institutions.


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How to Cite

Iza Loachamin , K. A. . (2022). Mobile Application for Monitoring the Process of Minor Disciplinary Sanctions for Police Training School "La Delicia" Trainees. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 1(1), 51–64.


