Biometric time and attendance control system


  • José Benjamín Cepeda Ambi



Sistema, Móvil, Control, Inventario, Facial


The article presents an innovative prototype of a mobile web-based system focused on biometric attendance control. This technological solution employs biometric features to record employee presence accurately and efficiently. It explores various biometric methods for identification and authentication, highlighting its application in the work context. The creation of this system aims to improve attendance management in companies, offering a secure and convenient alternative to record the presence of personnel. In addition, the potential benefits of this technology in work environments are discussed, highlighting its ability to streamline processes, reduce errors and ensure the integrity of attendance data. This article provides a comprehensive overview of how biometric technology applied through a mobile web system can revolutionize and optimize time and attendance in the workplace


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How to Cite

Cepeda Ambi , J. B. (2022). Biometric time and attendance control system. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 1(1), 65–78.


