Mobile application for the management of the "Pan Frances" restaurant


  • Cristian David Muñoz Tenempaguay Universidad Tecnológica Israel
  • Milton Alberto González López Universidad Tecnológica Israel
  • Christian Javier Gallegos Trujillo Universidad Tecnológica Israel
  • Andy Sebastián Quinche Campues Universidad Tecnológica Israel



App, Desarrollo, API, datos, recursos


By observing through field experience in a restaurant called "Pan Frances", where the service is delayed because only one person attends the service of some tables that exist in the place, With this lived and observed need, it is proposed to develop an APP that serves to manage the service in place and that the person does not have the need to move to the kitchen unnecessarily the APP will perform the process of taking orders and send them to the kitchen to be prepared and through the use of the vibrator of the phone to warn both the kitchen at the reception and the waitress when the order has been made and when it is ready for dispatch, this will avoid long waits, quality service and therefore more satisfied customers. The app consists of about 7 screens such as login, user registration, product catalog, promotion of the day, order, kitchen area and cash area all coupled together.


Download data is not yet available.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Tenempaguay, . C. D., González López, M. A., Gallegos Trujillo, C. J., & Quinche Campues, A. S. (2024). Mobile application for the management of the "Pan Frances" restaurant. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 3(1), 6–20.


