Exploring the Technological Intersection: Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Teleoperation


  • Anthon Gallo Universidad Tecnológica Israel
  • Cristopher Trujillo Universidad Tecnológica Israel
  • Jesael Maila Universidad Tecnológica Israel




Evolución, lenguajes informáticos, inteligencia artificial, comportamiento del consumidor, ehículos robóticos teleoperados


This analysis investigates the crucial technological intersections of today, exploring intertwined themes that encompass the evolution of computer languages, consumer behavior in the face of artificial intelligence (AI), and the development of teleoperated robotic vehicles that complement the previous technological areas. From the diversity of programming languages to their application in AI development and tangible progress in robotic vehicles, key questions are examined. Exploratory research on programming learning identifies patterns in different age groups, enriching social knowledge and highlighting the benefits and applications in the technological field. The impact of AI is analyzed, from its initial perception to its integration into society, highlighting both its benefits and the associated ethical challenges. The presentation of a prototype of a teleoperated robot car with ESP 32 technology highlights the practical applicability of the technology in critical areas. The essay closes with reflections on the future and the need for advanced standards, providing a comprehensive vision of technological intersections and their impact on society.


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How to Cite

Gallo, A., Trujillo, C., & Maila, J. (2023). Exploring the Technological Intersection: Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Teleoperation. Revista Ingeniería E Innovación Del Futuro, 2(1), 6–14. https://doi.org/10.62465/riif.v2n1.2023.6


