Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

This edition of the "Journal of Engineering and Future Innovation" continues our mission to disseminate the most significant advances and pioneering research in the field of engineering and technology. This issue highlights the synergy between various disciplines and proposes innovative solutions to current challenges.

The articles and essays featured in this edition include: Exploring the Technological Intersection: Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotic Teleoperation, which provides an in-depth analysis of how the convergence of different technologies is shaping the future of robotics and artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of advanced programming languages; Artificial Intelligence Alongside Augmented Reality within the Consumer, a fascinating study exploring how augmented reality and artificial intelligence are integrating to revolutionize the consumer experience, from marketing to product and service interaction; Processes and Algorithms Netflix Uses for Information Collection, where this detailed analysis reveals the cutting-edge methods Netflix uses to collect and process user data to personalize experiences and improve content delivery; Information Security Proposal in the Organizational Aspects of a Computer System, Applying ISO 27002 and CSF, which is a methodological proposal to strengthen information security in organizations, using ISO 27002 standards and the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF); and, Proposal for an Information Security Model in the Control of a Computer System Applying ISO 27002 and NIST's CSF, which proposes a structured information security model, aligning policies and practices with ISO 27002 standards and the NIST's CSF to optimize information security management.

Each article has been rigorously selected and peer-reviewed to ensure that it meets the high academic and scientific standards of our journal. We invite our readers to immerse themselves in these pages to enrich their knowledge and encourage debate in their respective fields of specialization.


Mg. Paúl Baldeón Egas,  Editorial Scientific Future, Ecuador. (Responsable científico).

Editor, Journal of Engineering and Future Innovation"

Published: 2023-04-05