Critical analysis of the role of democracy in the Ecuadorian state 1979-2007




Democracia, Ecuador, análisis crítico, Estado, rol


The objective of this study is to critically analyze the role of democracy in the Ecuadorian State during the period between 1979 and 2007. It starts from the premise that, although democracy has been consolidated in the country during the last decades, there are factors that have limited its full implementation and development. For this, an exhaustive bibliographical review of previous research and work that addresses the issue of democracy in the Ecuadorian context was carried out, in order to obtain a global and contextualized perspective of the subject. A qualitative methodology of content analysis was applied, through the identification of categories and subcategories that allowed a systematic and orderly organization of the data obtained. The results obtained show that, although progress has been made in terms of democracy in the country, there are still certain limitations in its consolidation, such as the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of reduced elites, the lack of transparency in public management, and the presence of political and social actors who do not respect democratic principles. In conclusion, this study suggests the need to continue working on the consolidation of democracy in the Ecuadorian State, through the promotion of a political culture that values and respects democratic principles, the implementation of measures that guarantee transparency and accountability. of accounts in public management, and the active inclusion of political and social actors in decision-making. In addition, the need to continue deepening the investigation of this subject is suggested, in order to generate new knowledge and contribute to the construction of a more just, democratic and participatory society.


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How to Cite

Begnini-Domínguez, L. . (2022). Critical analysis of the role of democracy in the Ecuadorian state 1979-2007. Revista Política Y Ciencias Administrativas, 1(1), 22–36.


