Oral expression and comprehension to achieve communicative interaction





Expresión, comprensión, comunicación oral, competencia comunicativa, aprendizaje


The need to communicate increases as society develops, it is a requirement to be part of a social group. Language transcends the development of thought, strengthens the ability to know their reality and express their own experiences, to maintain a positive interaction, in relation to the social, cultural, family and educational context. Strengthening linguistic competence is essential in learning processes, the responsibility belongs to all teachers, since oral expression and communication is an instrument for exchange in all areas. Communicative competence is one that all individuals must have, it is the basis for the development of all competences. The development of this competence within the classroom must be considered with a new perspective, considering the reality and the context in which the students develop and give answers that help to solve the problem detected. Pedagogical activities should be aimed at strengthening communication skills, to make proper use of language in colloquial, family and school situations. Oral expression is one of the skills that is used daily, for this reason efficient development is essential to achieve quality interaction. The intentionality of education has transcended; repetitive or already established learning is not sought, in traditional education the priority is that students are individuals capable of communicating in various areas of their lives. The role of the teacher is to become a guide and adviser to start support processes in the development of oral expression and comprehension skills with actions that will contribute to the training of students.


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How to Cite

Merino Pinos , D. S. (2022). Oral expression and comprehension to achieve communicative interaction. Revista Política Y Ciencias Administrativas, 1(1), 37–47. https://doi.org/10.62465/rpca.v1n1.2022.38


