Franchising in sports and the economic impact on the national and international market




Franquicias deportivas, mercado deportivo, impacto económico


This paper analyzes the economic impact of franchises in the national and international sports market. The introduction presents the theoretical framework and the importance of the topic. The literature review includes a variety of studies and articles that highlight the relationship between sports franchises and economic success, as well as their impact on the sports industry. The research methodology describes the selection of sources and the methodology used to analyze the data, resulting in the conclusion that sports franchises have a significant impact on the national and international market, generating high levels of revenue and profits, as well as being able to create jobs and attract tourism to the cities where they are located. The discussion highlights the need for careful planning and proper management to ensure the success of a sports franchise, as well as the importance of investment in marketing and advertising to maximize the economic potential of a sports franchise. The conclusions emphasize the importance of sports franchises in the sports industry and their ability to generate revenues and profits, making them an attractive option for investors. It also highlights the implications for the national and international sports market and points out that sports franchises can be an important source of employment and economic growth in the cities where they are established.


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How to Cite

Ilbay-Guaña, E. L. ., & Ilbay-Guaña, L. P. (2023). Franchising in sports and the economic impact on the national and international market. Revista Política Y Ciencias Administrativas, 2(1), 23–36.


