Análisis comparativo del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal en sector público y privado del Distrito metropolitano de Quito




Recruitment and selection, comparative analysis, public and private companies, correlation


All organizations, whether private or public, spend resources on the recruitment and selection process of their workers, however, they do not consider the same criteria. This article makes a comparative analysis of these processes, to make differentiations between the public and private sectors. The study is field, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope, using the Pearson coefficient, considering as a sample four public and four private companies, selected in a non-probabilistic way in the opinion of the authors. The main conclusion is that all the criteria analyzed are better valued in the private sector than in the public sector, except for the process in general, valued in both sectors as Malo.  According to the general analysis of all the questions, a correlation of 0.144, is determined, this means that there is no significant association between the perceptions of the criteria analyzed between the Public and Private Sectors. While, in the correlations for each of the criteria, there is a positive association, that is, affinity between public and private companies, in criteria such as the preparation of those in charge, the performance of the workers and in the evaluation of the process in general.


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How to Cite

Días Vallejos, G. M., Aizaga, M., & Toasa Guachi, R. M. (2023). Análisis comparativo del proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal en sector público y privado del Distrito metropolitano de Quito . Revista Política Y Ciencias Administrativas, 2(2), 19–39.




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