
  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)

    En el Volumen 3, Número 1 del año 2024 de la Revista Política y Ciencias Administrativas. A lo largo de este número, los lectores encontrarán una serie de artículos que exploran la interacción entre la psicología, la política y la administración, ofreciendo perspectivas innovadoras sobre cómo las emociones y la conducta humana influyen en los entornos políticos y organizacionales. Esta edición está diseñada para proporcionar a los profesionales, académicos y estudiantes herramientas y conocimientos para navegar y gestionar complejidades emocionales y psicológicas en el ámbito administrativo y político, destacando la importancia del desarrollo personal en la mejora de estructuras y procesos en estas áreas.

    Mg. Paúl Baldeón Egas,  Editorial Scientific Future, Ecuador. (Responsable científico).

    Editor en Jefe RPCA

  • Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)

    In Volume 2, Issue 2 of the year 2023 of the "Political and Administrative Sciences" Magazine, we begin with a critical topic in social psychology and administrative management: "The Importance of Anger Management in Youth and Adults". This article delves into techniques and strategies for effectively managing anger, a crucial aspect for individual and collective well-being in both personal and professional settings. Throughout this issue, readers will find a series of articles that explore the interplay between psychology, politics, and administration, offering innovative perspectives on how emotions and human behavior influence political and organizational environments. This edition is designed to provide professionals, academics, and students with tools and insights to navigate and manage emotional and psychological complexities in administrative and political realms, highlighting the importance of personal development in enhancing structures and processes in these areas.

    Mg. Paúl Baldeón Egas,  Editorial Scientific Future, Ecuador. (Responsable científico).

    Editor, Journal Political and Administrative Science

  • Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

    In Volume 2, Issue 1 of the year 2023 of the "Political and Administrative Sciences" Magazine, we explore a diverse range of topics intersecting politics, social sciences, and administration. The first article, "Use of the Most Frequent Digital Tools in Social and Political Sciences," explores how digital technologies are redefining research and practice in these areas. Next, "Franchises in Sports and Their Economic Impact on the National and International Market" analyzes the growing phenomenon of sports franchises and their significant economic effect. The third article, "Poor Habits Adopted by Students and Teachers during Virtual Classes in the Pandemic Era," offers a critical perspective on the challenges of online education. "Analysis of Recruitment and Selection of Personnel in Multinational Companies in the Metropolitan District of Quito" provides an in-depth look at talent management strategies in a global context. Finally, "The Impact of Transnational Companies on Human Rights" addresses the important issue of how large corporations affect human rights. This issue offers a deep and varied analysis, essential for professionals and academics interested in current and future trends in politics, administration, and social sciences.


    Editor, Journal Political and Administrative Science

    MSc. Yamileth Arteaga Alcívar

  • RPCA

    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    In Volume 1, Issue 1 of the year 2022 of the "Political and Administrative Sciences" Magazine, we present a collection of articles exploring crucial themes in contemporary administration and politics. The first article, "Implementation of Software for Administrative Management of Evaluation Processes in the 'Semillas de Vida' Educational Unit," examines how technology can optimize management in the educational sector. This is followed by "Critical Analysis of the Role of Democracy in the Ecuadorian State 1979-2007," which offers a retrospective and critical look at the evolution of democracy in Ecuador. The third article, "Oral Expression and Comprehension for Achieving Communicative Interaction," focuses on essential linguistic skills in education and administration. "Business Plan Proposal for a Hardware Store" presents a detailed study and a viable business strategy in the commerce sector. Lastly, "Teacher Training in the Face of Paradigms of Students with Special Educational Needs" addresses the important theme of inclusive education and teacher preparation. This edition offers a rich amalgamation of research and analysis, aimed at professionals and academics interested in the intersection of politics, administration, and education.

    Mg. Paúl Baldeón Egas,  Editorial Scientific Future, Ecuador. (Responsable científico).

    Editor, Journal Political and Administrative Science