Configuration of web servers for the management of the IST Vicente León technological platform




VPS, aplicaciones web, software libre, configuración, migración


The Instituto Superior Tecnológico Vicente León currently has applications such as virtual classroom (Moodle), institutional academic system (Cerberus), employment exchange, and Victec magazine. For the operation of these applications, a VPS server has been used with the company DDos, where it has worked with limitations that suppose the fact of having the recurrence of users in search of institutional services. With the passing of the years and the increase of the institutional processes, the applications grow and need an increasingly larger space that allows them to be stored correctly: Therefore, a series of configurations have been made that have allowed the proper operation of the applications. Due to the economic situation of the institution, it is difficult to maintain a paid VPS service, so through negotiations with SENESCYT, VPS servers have been provided to host the applications that are distributed: VPS 1: Cerberus Academic System, Virtual Classroom, Library, Job Board; VPS 2: Microsite and scientific research journal. VPS 3: Student internships. With the VPS received were installed and configured using several free software tools such as Alma Linux 8 operating system, CyberPanel as graphic administration software, OpenLiteSpeed as a web server, PHP as a programming language, MariaDB as database manager, Sophos Connect for private connection, PuTTY as remote connection manager. Finally, the institutional applications were migrated to the new environment.


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How to Cite

Vega Iza, G. M., Quimbita Quimbita, M. J., Paucar Coque, L. M., & Corrales Tapia, E. E. (2023). Configuration of web servers for the management of the IST Vicente León technological platform. Revista Prueba, 2(1), 19–32.


