Uses and applications of steganography in the digital age




Esteganografía, esteganografía digital, ocultamiento de información, seguridad de la información, privacidad y criptografía


Steganography is a computer security technique that allows information to be hidden in digital objects without being detected by other users. In today's digital age, this technique is highly valuable in ensuring data security and privacy in digital communication. This paper explores the uses and applications of steganography in the digital age, making an analysis of the existing literature and the results worldwide. The literature review demonstrates the importance of steganography in data protection and computer security, and various applications have been identified, such as information security in banking, sending emails and the protection of medical images. The research methodology used a systematic review of the scientific literature for the collection of information. The worldwide results show that steganography is a widely used technique in different fields and that its application allows maintaining the privacy and security of information. Disadvantages include the possible malicious use of the technique to commit crimes. In the discussion, the results obtained were evaluated, comparisons were established and the challenges that arise when using steganography in the digital age were identified. In the conclusions, the most relevant information was summarized, the most important findings were highlighted, and recommendations for future research were presented. In conclusion, steganography is a useful technique to protect and guarantee the security of information in the digital age, with some disadvantages, but its application can be a great advantage to guarantee data privacy and prevent possible computer attacks.


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How to Cite

Guaña Moya, J. (2023). Uses and applications of steganography in the digital age. Revista Prueba, 2(1), 61–75.


