Migration policies as a vision of inclusion within the Ecuadorian and Peruvian state





Adicción a internet, uso excesivo de internet, salud mental, rendimiento académico, relaciones sociales


This article analyzes migration policies in Ecuador and Peru from a perspective of social inclusion. The literature review highlights the importance of inclusive migration policies, respecting the rights of migrants and promoting their integration into society. To do this, a comparative analysis of migration policies in both countries is carried out, using primary and secondary sources. The results show that Ecuador and Peru have implemented migration policies that seek the inclusion and protection of the rights of migrants, although there are differences in terms of their implementation and effectiveness. The comparative table prepared highlights some of the similarities and differences between migration policies in both countries, highlighting the open-door policy for Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador and the integration programs and access to basic services for migrants in Peru. The discussion highlights the importance of the social inclusion of migrants as a way to promote development and cohesion in the region, although some limitations and challenges arise in the implementation of inclusive migration policies. The conclusions summarize the most relevant findings and highlight the importance of inclusive migration policies to guarantee the protection of the rights of migrants and promote their integration into society, contributing to the social and economic development of the receiving countries. This study offers a comprehensive vision of migration policies in Ecuador and Peru, providing valuable information for future research and public policies in the region.


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How to Cite

Arteaga-Alcívar, Y., & Begnini-Domínguez, L. (2023). Migration policies as a vision of inclusion within the Ecuadorian and Peruvian state. Revista Prueba, 2(2), 6–26. https://doi.org/10.62465/rri.v2n2.2023.22




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