Quality of life in older adults through emotional support





Adultos mayores, Calidad de vida, Apoyo emocional y espiritual, Cuidados, bienestar y salud


The aging of the population is a global phenomenon that has led to an increase in the demand for care services for older adults, as well as issues such as the quality of life of older adults have become an important concern, and more and more attention is being paid to the influence of emotional and spiritual support on their well-being. In this study, research was conducted on the relationship between emotional and spiritual support and quality of life in older adults. In the research methodology, some research papers were analyzed according to the development of a descriptive methodology. The results showed that the emotional and spiritual support perceived by the older adults studied in the different research documents is of great importance for a good quality of life, even taking into account relevant factors such as age, gender, marital status, educational level and health status. As a main conclusion, the research highlighted that emotional and spiritual support is a critical component of care for older adults and that caregivers should pay attention to the emotional and spiritual needs of older adults to improve their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Begnini-Domínguez, L. (2022). Quality of life in older adults through emotional support. Revista Prueba, 1(1), 30–44. https://doi.org/10.62465/rri.v1n1.2022.14




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