Incidence of polygonal structures augmented reality online kids’ early education


  • Byron Jiménez Pillajo ByronMultimedia Cía. Ltda., Quito, Ecuador



Realidad aumentada, modelado 3d, polígonos, multimedia, aprendizaje


It resolves that Traverse structures influence the level of abstraction of the message or idea from the child early education to see a character or object animation of a 3D structure modeled being this dynamic and entertaining content or interactively as it is augmented reality being that the new path taken by various companies to create audio-visual devices as well as glasses and mobile devices to get information, telecommunications and interaction with structures in two dimensions and three dimensions to facilitate the life of man in terms of socialization, security and multimedia interaction depending on the amount of polygons being lesser optimal amount for the brain of a child reaches grasp the message, this is because if the child sees shadows and textures this becomes eyestrain unfolding in brain fatigue and boredom conclusion to such application. Another aspect taken into account is that GPU resources are optimized by having a smaller number of polygons of a scene or character level.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Pillajo, B. (2022). Incidence of polygonal structures augmented reality online kids’ early education. Revista Prueba, 1(1), 45–56.


