The role of play in early childhood teaching and learning




Juego, educación infantil, aprendizaje, desarrollo infantil, primeros años


The importance of play in early childhood teaching-learning is a topic addressed in various studies. The need for a game-based pedagogy is highlighted, which allows the development of cognitive, emotional and social skills in children. The authors agree that the game is a fundamental tool for significant learning in early childhood, and that it must be used appropriately to its maximum potential. Emotional education is a key element in this process, since the game allows boys and girls to experience different emotions and learn to manage them. In addition, emphasis is placed on the importance of the teacher's role in the implementation of game strategies in the classroom, and the need for continuous training in this aspect. It also highlights the importance of the design and projection of game scenes for early childhood, which allow an adequate environment for learning and the integral development of boys and girls. It can also be asserted that the use of games as a pedagogical tool in early childhood is a necessary and effective practice, as long as it is used appropriately and accompanied by a teacher trained in the subject. It is important to highlight that play is not only a moment of fun for boys and girls, but also has a significant impact on their comprehensive development and their ability to learn and face the world.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Cevallos, P. A. (2023). The role of play in early childhood teaching and learning. Revista Prueba, 2(1), 7–18.


