Digital guide to physical education and sports for the integration of students with motor functional diversity




Integración, Diversidad Funcional Motora, Educación Física, Currículo, Pedagogía y Didáctica


The study aimed to propose a guide in digital format for the integration of students with motor functional diversity classes of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation Education Media General. It was based on constructivism of Piaget ( 1985) model , physical education, sports and recreation and adapted physical education, study was performed using a non-experimental design , backed with a field research and a projective level, which will be executed in three diagnostic phase , feasibility study and design of the proposal, the population consisted of 16 teaching specialty Township School No. 2 Tinaquillo been Cojedes to data collection a questionnaire with 30 items with dichotomous choice which was validated by three experts was used. Reliability was determined using the coefficient of the Kuder - Richardson giving a value of 0.898 which shows high reliability. It was concluded that educational institutions do not provide enough attention to students with motor functional diversity, because they are excluded from sports activities, teachers of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation have poor knowledge on the subject and strategies inclusion, where traditional classes are only open to students who do not have disabilities. Institutions should promote in their teachers the creation of strategies to achieve the inclusion of students with diversity in their classes.


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How to Cite

Tovar Sequera, L. E. (2022). Digital guide to physical education and sports for the integration of students with motor functional diversity. Revista Tecnopedagogía E Innovación, 1(1), 21–36.


