Academic reinforcement of mathematics applying B-learning




Matemática, Refuerzo Académico, B-Learning, Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje, Planificación


The teaching-learning process of mathematics is very complex and must be complemented with academic reinforcement, which allows the student to advance with the development of their skills, without dragging gaps and thus achieve building significant learning. In this context, the design of an educational program based on the B-Learning modality is proposed, through the construction of a Virtual Learning Environment, which facilitates the interaction between teacher and student in a synchronous and asynchronous way, following an innovative and comprehensive planning elaborated with motivating strategies designed for a 21st century student, through the use of active methodologies and NICT resources that can connect mathematical problems with the environment; In addition, they are permanently available so that students who need to reinforce their knowledge can do so virtually, thus contributing to generating self-management skills in their learning, being aware of what they know and what they should reinforce. In this sense, carries out a projective research based on the results obtained with a quantitative approach, applying the survey technique and the questionnaire as an instrument to a sample of 427 high school students. When analyzing the data obtained in the surveys carried out, the need for students to use guided virtual education is evident. One way to do it is to apply B-learning, to complement face-to-face classes with virtual academic reinforcement, taking advantage of the skills and resources of native students. digital, with a virtual learning environment that directs them to be reflective of the use of their time.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Encalada, S. E. (2022). Academic reinforcement of mathematics applying B-learning. Revista Tecnopedagogía E Innovación, 1(1), 53–66.


