MOOC and the basic competences in the technological higher education


  • Livio Danilo Miniguano Miniguano Instituto Tecnológico Superior SUCRE, Quito-Ecuador



TIC, entornos virtuales, mooc, educación tecnológica superior, competencias básicas de aprendizaje


This article shows the strengths of the MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses), a recent manifestation focused on autonomous work which is freely accessible and has promoted a number of opportunities aimed at guaranteeing the mass learning of the participants, it is mainly supported by interactive presentations , videos, wikis, forums, online information chats and more resources available on the web that will generate significant contributions for the integral development and conception of knowledge, it is important to highlight the application of the MOOC as a support for macrocurricular compliance in technical and technological higher education. The work is part of the implementation of mass courses for the generation of basic competences that are not considered in the curriculum of the careers that are necessary for the better development of the academic community of SUCRE institute of technology in Quito, it is worth mentioning that it is an innovative tool that will facilitate the complementary learning outside the classroom, generating a culture of self-learning and collaborative work. Teachers must generate strategies that encourage the participation of students in each MOOC in order to ensure the continuity of the modality proposed, also, it will strengthen the platform with innovative proposals of common interest that allows the development of a complementary education focused on the academic growth of the future professionals of the country.


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How to Cite

Miniguano Miniguano, L. D. (2022). MOOC and the basic competences in the technological higher education. Revista Tecnopedagogía E Innovación, 1(1), 67–86.


