Developmental perspectives in initial education and preschool education




educación inicial, educación preescolar, perspectivas de desarrollo


Early childhood and preschool education are considered fundamental for the comprehensive development of children, and several research studies carried out during 2020 seek to deepen the understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist in this area. On the one hand, it highlights the importance of public policies in early childhood, which include aspects such as health care, nutrition and access to education, in order to ensure adequate development. A comparative study was carried out between Colombia, Chile and Norway to analyze public educational policies for early childhood. On the other hand, the relevance of early education for comprehensive development is addressed, since this stage of education can have an impact on the formation of cognitive, socioemotional and physical skills in children. In addition, emphasis is placed on the quality of early education and the need to improve it, especially in Latin America. The importance of socioemotional learning in preschool and proposals to develop it are also highlighted. A systematic review is made on the use of computer resources in learning activities in early childhood education and the methodologies in planning design are analyzed. Likewise, the conceptions of childhood that underlie the pedagogical practices of early childhood teachers are analyzed. In addition, pedagogical training is addressed to improve the performance of preschool teachers in the competence of planning teaching and learning. Finally, the challenges posed by the digital era in education and the use of children's stories as a didactic resource to develop oral language in early education in Latin America are discussed. In summary, the literature reviewed highlights the importance of quality early childhood and preschool education to ensure comprehensive development in children, and the need to address various challenges in this area to achieve better results in the future.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Cevallos, P. A. (2023). Developmental perspectives in initial education and preschool education. Revista Tecnopedagogía E Innovación, 2(1), 19–32.


